Our Logos are Embroidered in the USA In Our Minnesota Headquarters
At Thread Logic, we often get requests for logo embroidered apparel and hats that are MADE IN THE USA. We offer logo apparel and embroider all logos in the USA on site at our Minneapolis, Minnesota headquarters. But, there was a greater need for clothing also manufactured in the USA and it's been increasing as a requested item from customers.
Americans want to celebrate what their country has to offer, including clothes with natural, handmade materials that are MADE IN THE USA .
According to a survey on sourcing journal on June 28th 2018, 52% of consumers say that it's important to them that the clothes they buy are MADE IN THE USA , according to the Cotton Incorporated survey.
7 out of 10 consumers check the country of origin prior to purchasing clothes, telling us that MADE IN THE USA is here to stay and very important to many.
So, we added a MADE IN THE USA collection featuring top brands like Bayside and Port Authority clothing and we will continue to add more new styles in the future. We offer MADE IN THE USA hats, jackets, tees and more. We hope that you will enjoy shopping MADE IN THE USA and please give us feedback you may have.